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Kinnickinnic Natives - a native plant nursery that specializes in plants that are native to a our ecoregion. Native plants are those that evolved along with the wildlife, insects, and other life forms that occupy that area.

Kinnickinnic Natives is a small, destination nursery located on the banks of the Kinnickinnic River.  Less than 30 minutes from Saint Paul, Minnesota, we provide healthy plants suitable for your garden or restoration.  Right plant, right place!



As a family farm, we strive to have all the plants on this list available when you visit or order  We differentiate ourselves by using seed from our farm to produce healthy plants.  Mother Nature can always change our availability.   Most plants are available in 3" pots, but other plants require larger pots (4", 5" 6") to due to root structures.   Forbs and Shrubs start at $4.00 for 3"; Grasses and Sedges start at $3.50 for 3".  Call, text or email if you need specifics on sizes and prices.                                                                                

Happy Gardening Season,  Wayne & Michelle



No Catalog in 2024


As a family farm, we strive to have all the plants on this list available when you visit or order  We differentiate ourselves by using seed from our farm to produce healthy plants.  Mother Nature can always change our availability.   Most plants are available in 3" pots - starting at $6.00.  Call, text or email if you need specifics on sizes and prices.                                                                                







Happy Gardening Season, 

Wayne & Michelle





  • Locals only! Plants that is. You won't find annuals, named/royalty earning perennials, or even hostas!

  • Almost all of the plants sold at Kinnickinnic Natives are grown from seed collected from our site

  • Kinnickinnic Natives is only 30 minutes from Saint Paul. For those customers from across the river, we are closer than you think.

  • The majority of Kinnickinnic Native's plants are grown in 3" pots. The plants are more affordable (especially for larger installations) and easier to transplant. Many will even bloom the first year.

  • Knowledgeable owners on staff.


Agastache foeniculum – Anise Hyssop

Allium species

Amorpha canadensis - Lead Plant

Anaphalis canescens - Pearly Everlasting

Antennaria neglecta - Pussy Toes

Asclepias species - Milkweeds

Aster species

Campanula rotundifolia

Ceanothus americanus - New Jersey Tea

Coreopsis palmata

Dalea species

Epilobium angustifolium - Fireweed

Eupatorium species

Hedyotis longifolia - Longleaf Bluets

Helianthus species

Heliopsis helianthoides - Ox Eye Sunflower

Liatris species

Lupinus perennis - Lupine

Monarda fistulosa - Bergamot

Phlox pilosa - Downy Phlox

Pycnanthemum virginianum - Mountain Mint

Ratibida pinnata - Gray Headed Coneflower

Rudbeckia species

Silphium perfoliatum - Cup Plant

Solidago species

Tradescantia ohiensis - Spiderwort

Verbena hastata - Blue Vervain

Viola pedatifida - Prairie Violet

Vernonia fasciculata - Ironweed

Zizia aptera - Heartleaf Golden Alexanders

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