Flowers profusely in June then intermittently through fall

Best orange flower in the prairie. Larva plant for monarch butterflies

Fall bloomer; bees love me!

Great blue flower; a day flower - each flower lasts one day

One of the longer bloomers in the spring. Also known as "Old Man Whiskers" because of the seedheads.

A biennial with abundant flowers in the summer

Flowers are near the ground; great shade ground cover

Cat #1

Petite, early spring bloomer with flowers ranging from pink to purple to white.

Grown from seed, Prairie Phlox can range in color from white to pink to lavender.

Petite lily with single stem; vivid orange

Spring woodland flower with distinct male and female flowers

Tall, clump prairie grass; can grow over 5 feet tall

Favorite June bloomer, likes sandy, well drained soil

Clear, bright white flowers with architectural structure and deep green foliage. One of my all-time favorites.
What is a Native Plant?
A native plant species is one that occurs naturally in a particular habitat, ecosystem, or region of the United States and its Territories or Possessions, without direct or indirect human actions.
What is a Cultivar?
Cultivars are varieties of plants that are the product of breeding programs to produce specific desirable characteristics (flower color, size,adapatability). Cultivars generate a revenue stream for the grower. Do cultivars breed out the desired characteristics needed by the pollinators? Nobody knows. We believe it is best to stick to native species.